
  • Appliance exterior/interior

  • Microwave exterior/interior

  • Tables and chairs

  • Cabinet fronts

  • Sinks scrubbed and disinfected

  • Countertops and backsplash disinfected

  • Floor vacuumed and/or washed

  • Windows and blinds

  • Trash emptied


  • Tub and shower tiles

  • Toilets disinfected

  • Chrome fixtures cleaned and shined

  • Towels neatly hung and folded

  • Sinks scrubbed and disinfected

  • Cabinet front

  • Countertops disinfected

  • Floors vacuumed and/or washed

  • Windows and blinds

  • Mirrors cleaned

  • Trash emptied


  • Beds made

  • Picture frames dusted

  • Furniture dusted

  • Baseboards dusted

  • Lamps cleaned and lampshades dusted

  • Floors vacuumed and/or washed

  • Windows and blinds

  • switchplates

  • Mirrors cleaned

  • Trash emptied


  • Upholstered furniture vacuumed

  • Ceiling fans dusted

  • Lamps cleaned and lampshades dusted

  • Picture frames and furniture dusted

  • Hardwood floors and Tile floors vacuumed and/or washed

  • Hallways and stairs vacuumed and/or washed

  • Carpets vacuumed